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Lilian Gassen



January 21: Lilian Hollanda Gassen was born in Cascavel/ PR. Daughter of Airton José Gassen (1954), and Noemy Hollanda Gassen (1953-2012), and sister of Airton José Gassen Junior (1976).

Pais de Lilian em Cantanduvas/PR, por volta de 1983.

August 11: Lilian’s sister, Patricia, was born.


July 31: her sister Mariana was born. Airton José Gassen Junior and Lilian went to preschool at Colégio Nossa Senhora Auxiliadora, in Cascavel.


End of Military Regime in Brazil. Lilian and her sisters and brother were transferred to Colégio Santa Maria.


Lilian and her sisters enrolled in the Cascavel School of rhythmic gymnastics.


At the age of 10 Lilian was selected to join the Cascavel Rhythmic Gymnastics Sub Junior Team, and got to represent the Town in RG State and Scholastic Championships. Her trainings were four hours long, three times a week in regular periods, and five hours long, five times a week in periods close to competitions.

Da esquerda para a direita, Lilian, Patrícia, Airton, Mariana, em Foz do Iguaçu/PR, por volta de 1985.

Lilian and her sisters and brother were transferred to Colégio Marista of Cascavel.


At the age of thirteen, Lilian was part of Cascavel Rhythmic Gymnastics Junior Team and had to stop her activity as a gymnast for a year due to contusion.


At the age of fourteen, she resumed her activities as a gymnast, joining once again the Cascavel Rhythmic Gymnastics Junior Team, when she achieved the 4th place overall in the Jogos Abertos de Maringá [Maringá Open Games] in the group modality. After a year of training, she quit RG for good.


In February Lilian moved to Curitiba with her sisters to study the third year of high school. In November she passed vestibular – entrance exam – for Federal University of Paraná (UFPR), for the Drawing Degree, and also for Paraná Arts Faculty (FAP), for the Fine Arts Degree. In December, she passed the vestibular for the School of Music and Fine Arts of Paraná (EMBAP), for the Sculpture Bachelor’s Degree.


She enrolled in the majors of Sculpture at EMBAP, in the morning, and of Drawing at UFPR, in the afternoon. In May that year, three of her sculptures were selected for the 4th João Turin Sculpture Show, which took place at the Curitiba Memorial. And, in July, she participated in the UFPR Winter Festival, where she attended the workshop of Lost wax – Gravity casting, with the sculptor Elvo Benito Damo. In August, she quit the Bachelor Sculpture Program at EMBAP, and started attending the artist’s Alice Yamamura ceramic studio, for learning this technique.


In December she stopped attending the artist’s Alice Yamamura ceramic studio.


In April Lilian entered the university extension course, Oficina Permanente de Arte [Art Permanent Workshop], given by Professor Geraldo Leão Veiga de Camargo. She kept on attending this course until one year after her graduation from UFPR. In November she participated in Exposição Coletiva da UFPR [UFPR Group Exhibition], at the Art & Design Room, in Curitiba, coordinated by Professor Geraldo Leão Veiga de Camargo. In this group exhibition she met the artists Otávio Roesner, Lívia Piantavini and Raíza de Carvalho, with whom, adding Tony Camargo, she created an art discussion group that met weekly.


Throughout this year, Lilian held weekly meetings to discuss artistic production with Otávio Roesner, Lívia Piantavini and Raíza de Carvalho and Tony Camargo. In October she was selected to participate with two artworks in the 57º Salão Paranaense [57th Salon of Paraná], at the Museum of Contemporary Art of Paraná, in Curitiba. In December, she concluded her major in Drawing at UFPR. In that month, the Pipoca Rosa [Pink Popcorn] group, formed by Lilian, Otávio Roesner, Lívia Piantavini and Raíza de Carvalho and Tony Camargo, carried out the Performance das pipocas [Popcorn performance], in front of ten art institutions of Curitiba.

Da esquerda para a direita, Otávio Roesner, Lilian Gassen, Lívia Piantavini, Raíza de Carvalho e Tony Camargo, em Curitiba/PR, em 2000. (Foto: Adriana Alves da Silva)

Together with Tony Camargo and Rosicler Cavassin she carried out the Pontos de Vista [Points of view]exhibition, which happened in April at Galeria da Caixa, in Curitiba, and in June at Casa da Praça, in Castro, Paraná. In December that year, she graduated in Fine Arts at UFPR.


In March, she started practicing the martial art Shinshin Toitsu Aikidô, at the Brazilian Aikidô Institute. In August, with Lívia Piantavini, she carried out the MEIOS [MEANS] exhibition, at Casa da Praça, in Castro, Paraná.


Throughout this year Lilian participated in meetings with local artists, organized by the Secretariat of State for Culture, to synthetize proposals for cultural policies in the area of arts in the government of Paraná. In the first semester that year, she attended the Brazilian Historiography course, with Professor Antonio Cesar de Almeida Santos, in the History Department of UFPR. In March, with the Pipoca Rosa group, she carried out the Grupo Pipoca Rosa (Pink Popcorn Group) exhibition, at Antártica Complex – Annex to the Museum of Contemporary Art of Joinville, in Joinville, Santa Catarina. In September, Lilian delivered a Fine Arts workshop at Manuel Ribas Town, Paraná, through the Programa Paraná fazendo Arte [Paraná Making Program].


In May, she wrote the text Pintura, Desenho, Objeto, Fotografia [Painting, Drawing, Object, Photography] for Outro Ponto de Vista [Another Point of View] group exhibition, at Galeria da Caixa, and gave a painting workshop at Francisco Beltrão Town, inside Programa Paraná fazendo Arte of Secretariat of State for Culture. She participated in Nome (Name), curated by Daniela Vicentini and Simone Landal, at Casa Andrade Murici, in Curitiba. In July, she gave a lecture about her artistic process and production at the event O artista na Universidade [The artist in the University], which was part of the schedule of the 14th UFPR Winter Festival, where she also provided a workshop of Drawing for kids, in Antonina, Paraná. In August, she delivered a Drawing Workshop in União da Vitória, in Paraná. In September, she participated in the Coletiva de artistas [Artits Collective] exhibition, at the Museum of Contempoirary Art of Paraná, in Curitiba, and also in A matriz e linguagem [The matrix and the language] exhibition, curated by Geraldo Leão, at the Córdoba Library Museum, in Argentina. In November, Lilian had her first solo exhibition, Observatório [Observatory], at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in Curitiba, and she passed the selection for the Masters Postgraduate, in the UFPR History Postgraduate course, in the field of History, Culture and Society.


In February, Lilian gave a lecture and participated in a roundtable discussion about Artistic production, for students of the Visual Arts course of Tuiti University of Paraná (UTP). In May, she participated in the group exhibition Desenhos [Drawings], curated by Paulo Reis, at the University Museum of Art (MUSA-UFPR), in Curitiba.


In June, Lilian gave a lecture about her artistic production at the 2º Encontro do Ciclo de Encontro com Escultores [2nd Meeting of the Meeting with Sculptors Cycle], which was held by EMBAP’s Extension Division. In this year, she took part in Mais Perto [Closer] exhibition, curated by Debora Santiago and Yftah Peled, at Galeria Ybakatu, in Curitiba.


In August, Lilian got her master’s degree in History from the UFPR History Postgraduate Program, oriented by Antônio Cesar de Almeida Santos, with the dissertation Mudanças culturais no meio artístico de Curitiba entre as décadas de 1960-1990 [Cultural changes in Curitiba’s art scene between the 1960s-1990s]. In September she earned the public notice for Bolsa Produção 3 [Production Grant 3], of the Curitiba Cultural Foundation.


From March to December Lilian taught the University Extension Course called Arte como pensamento e invenção [Art as thought and invention], in the Arts Department of UFPR.


Lilian passed the selective exam for Substitute Professor at the Arts Department of UFPR, in April. From March to November she offered the course Cor: história, ciência e arte [Color: history, science and art], in her studio. In March she carried out her second solo exhibition, Belvedere, at Solar do Barão, with the incentive of Bolsa Produção 3 Municipal Fund for Culture, of Curitiba Cultural Foundation. In July, she took part in Houston, we’ve had a problem exhibition, curated by Marco Melo, at Galeria Casa da Imagem, in Curitiba. In October, she participated in O corpo na Cidade [The body in the city] exhibition, curated by Paulo Reis, at Solar do Barão, in Curitiba.


In March, Lilian took part in Universo Feminino VII [Femine Universe VII] exhibition, in tribute to the Art Studio’s supervisors of Alfredo Andersen Museum, at Alfredo Andersen Museum. In June, she gave a lecture about the group Pipoca Rosa, at the event Arte em circulação [Art in circulation], which took place at Galeria da Caixa, in Curitiba. In November, she participated in O estado da arte [State of the art] exhibition, curated by Artur Freitas, at Oscar Nyemeyer Museum, in Curitiba. Lilian was the successful candidate of a Public Office Contest for Assistant Professor at the Sculpture Department of EMBAP.


Em janeiro, assinou o Termo de Posse como Servidora Estadual para o cargo de Professora Assistente, do ensino superior, no Departamento de Escultura da EMBAP. Em fevereiro, sua mãe, Noemy, faleceu. Em março participou de exposição coletiva sem título, com curadoria de Marco Melo, na Galeria Casa da Imagem, em Curitiba.


In February, Lilian was elected Head of the Sculpture Department of EMBAP, and throughout the year integrated a lot of administrative and pedagogic working commissions at EMBAP. In August, she started coordinating the 1st edition of the extension course Cor: história, ciência e arte [Color: history, science and art], at EMBAP/ UNESPAR. In September, she also occupied the position of Research Advisor in the Research and Postgraduate Division at EMBAP. In November, she participated in the reopening exhibition at the Metropolitan Museum of Art (MUMA), curated by Rodrigo Ferreira Marques, in Curitiba.


In August Lilian concluded the coordination of the 1st edition of the extension course Cor: história, ciência e arte, at EMBAP/ UNESPAR.


In February, she started coordinating the 2nd edition of the extension course Cor: história, ciência e arte, at EMBAP/ UNESPAR, with three groups, which ended in December. In April, Lilian had her third solo exhibition entitled 328.954,32, at Galeria Casa da Imagem, in Curitiba. In July, she made a speech at the Ciclo de estudos sobre a obra de Geraldo Leão [Cycle of studies about Geraldo Leão’s work]. In August, she gave a workshop called Ser artista: uma carreira [Being an artist: a carrier] at the V Encontro de Cultura e Comunicação do Instituto Federal de Paraná [V Culture and Communication Meeting of Federal Institute of Paraná]. In December, she participated in the exhibition Cada corpo tem seu tempo – Cada tempo tem seu corpo [Each body has its time – Each time has its body], curated by Cristiane Silveira, at Sesc Paço da Liberdade, in Curitiba.


In February, Lilian started coordinating the 3rd edition of the extension course Cor: história, ciência e arte, at EMBAP/ UNESPAR, with four groups, which ended in December. In March, she gave a lecture about her artistic production at the event Conversa com artistas da exposição Cada corpo tem seu tempo – Cada tempo tem seu corpo [Conversation with the artists of the exhibition Each body has its time – Each time has its body], at Sesc Paço da Liberdade, in Curitiba. In August, she carried out her fourth solo exhibition entitled A cor da cor [The color of color], at Galeria Casa da Imagem, in Curitiba.


In February, Lilian started coordinating the 4th edition of the extension course Cor: história, ciência e arte, at EMBAP/UNESPAR, with four groups.


Em agosto, participou da exposição coletiva intitulada CONFLUÊNCIAS POÉTICAS – ALÉM DA COR, no SESC Paço da Liberdade, com curadora de Luana Oliveira, em Curitiba. Em setembro, iniciou mandato de Coordenação de Curso do Curso Superior de Escultura da EMBAP / UNESPAR. Também neste mês ministrou um curso intitulado A poética da cor, no SESC Paço da Liberdade. Em outubro, proferiu palestra sobre sua produção artística no evento Conversa com artistas da exposição CONFLUÊNCIAS POÉTICAS – ALÉM DA COR.